Getting Started

Understanding Your Options When It Comes to Bankruptcy

It All Starts with a Free Consultation

Lisa Hancock, Attorney at Law provides a free consultation to discuss your bankruptcy options. We need the initial information requested in our consultation worksheet (click here to download or request by mail) in order to advise you. Once we have received your completed worksheet, we will phone you to set up a time for you to talk to one of our attorneys. At this time, we are doing all our consults by telephone or video conference due to the pandemic.

View Bankruptcy Consultation Worksheet

Generally, a consult will last approximately 30-45 minutes and we can advise you at that time of the type of bankruptcy you could file, how it would work for you, and the costs for it. You do not have to decide whether or not you wish to file a bankruptcy during the consult. If you decide you do wish to file a bankruptcy, we will then provide our detailed Worksheets for you to complete (from which the bankruptcy is drafted) and the information to complete your first credit counseling session.

The fees we quote must be paid prior to filing the bankruptcy. When you file the bankruptcy is decided by you. You may make payments for the fees. You may also complete the paperwork for the bankruptcy and get it to us while you are paying the fees so we can be working on preparing the bankruptcy for filing.

Once we have prepared the bankruptcy and the fees are paid in full, we will arrange for you to review the bankruptcy and sign it. Then we will file it with the Bankruptcy Court and the Court will notify your creditors to stop all collection action.

Creditors are not stopped from collecting from you by the Court until you have actually filed the bankruptcy. We will confirm that we are representing you in a bankruptcy once you have returned the Worksheets to us and paid at least half the fees.

Call 256-582-6940 today to schedule your free initial consultation with our attorneys.

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